I turned another year older today.
I'm now 27.
I had no desire for this day to come. I neither wanted to be 27 and I didn't want to spend it alone.
And I didn't........
Bright and early on "my day" my friend Brooke called me up to wish me a Happy Birthday!!
"Yea! You Remembered," I said.
"Of Course," Brooke responded.
"Let's get coffee," I said.
And so my birthday morning started off just perfect, and because of that, I decided I was fine turning 27. I feel that each year that passes by I grow as a person and I'm happy with who I am.
My present from Brooke. I held onto it for several hours before actually opening it, knowing it would be my only present for the day.
After coffee with Brooke, I treated myself to a day at DISNEYLAND!

It's Halloween season.

Me outside the Princess Castle.

And me outside 'It's a Small, Small World.'

I love this picture. I have no idea how my face got in such a contorted position. I was simply talking to the guys behind me who were taking my picture, and this is what they captured. I guess I better work on my smile.

Heading home after a long day at Disneyland. I rode a lot of rides, and watched a few shows and had an absolute blast!!

My Birthday Dinner - A black &
bleu burger.
It's true. I was so hungry by the time I finally made it to dinner, that I ordered myself a burger. I ended up at an Irish Pub right around the corner from my apartment. Having never been there before, I had no idea what was on their menu. So I gave it a shot. I found nothing in the way of vegetarian, besides a grilled cheese sandwich, which I was not about to have as my Birthday Dinner. So I did it, I ordered the burger. For those of you who don't know. I was a vegetarian for the past 7 years. So for me to just dive into this burger was quite monumental. And I ate the entire thing....and it was truly an amazing experience. For the 7 years I gave up meat, I neither won a humanitarian award or accomplished world peace. In fact, I only made it difficult for people to feed me. So I feel fine with my most recent decision and look forward to many more meals of black & bleu burgers.
Finally, no birthday is ever complete without a birthday serenade, sung by my friend Thomas Gilbert. Thomas is an extremely talented musician, so check out him and his band at:
http://www.myspace.com/radiusbandThey are only breaths away from making it big!!
Thanks for sharing my Birthday with me!
Much Love,
LA Girl.
It was a pleasure to share your special day (morning!) with you! I just wish I could have joined you at Disneyland;) I am happy you made such a great day for yourself - that speaks volumes and I would be very happy with the person I am, too, if I was you!
Many, many more!
I soooooooooo wish I would have been there to share in the HAMBURGER FEAST!! Yummy!! Next year - you may save your b-day presents and open them on your ACTUAL Birthday, OK? I say Ditto to Brookes comments!
I Love you, Sweetheart!!
I am so happy you're not a vegetarian anymore! Although, I am still going to share the story of "how I made my friend a vegetarian once upon a time"! You are a much more mature person than me - there's no way I'd make a trip to Disneyland by myself! Glad you had fun!
Thanks for all the wonderful comments. I really appreciate them!!
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