Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Saturday in Silverlake

Long before I started school and many, many, many months ago, Joe and I ventured out to explore our city. Since school has started, such leisurely Saturday trips are no longer in my reality. Hopefully, that will not be a continuing trend. Anyways, the following is what I began writing many moons ago and never got finished.......

Ahhh Saturday. A day off from the 'ole Starbucks gig. Joe and I decided to take advantage of our day and explore our great city. With a map full of endless possibilities, we ended up in a super chic and trendy neighborhood called Silverlake, just east of Hollywood. Home to hipsters, musicians and metropolitan transplants looking for a laid-back way of life. Or, as laid-back as a life in La La Land can be. Naturally, a day does not begin without a cup of coffee. We started our morning off a a quaint little coffee shop called.......... and that is where the story ends. This day is such a distant memory for me I no longer remember the coffee shop or any funny stories to go along with the day. So enjoy the following photos, they are the only memories I have.


More Joe.



Pinch a palm, it brings you good luck!!

A super big hill!

Joe's favorite toilet.

he he he.

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