Well, if that wasn't the shortest break known to man........
Today was the first day back in class, my second quarter at FIDM. Second of who knows how many. I could be done in 4, but that is nearly impossible with my work schedule. So I was originally shooting for 5 quarters, now, if I can pull it off, I'm hoping to stretch my time at FIDM out to 6 quarters. We'll see what happens.
First Day of Second Quarter: Me and my super "Rad" friend Brooke.
This quarter I'm taking another 4 class. Here's my schedule:
Monday 8:30am - Perspective techniques - An introduction to quick sketch and perspective techniques. This course focuses on the fundamentals of developing volume, depth, and three-dimension in a two-dimensional drawing.........shit.
Monday 12:00pm - Lighting Design - Students survey and comprehend the technical and aesthetic principles of lighting design for commercial and residential applications. Emphasis is placed on understanding the basic properties of light as used in rendering, photography, and computer-generated visualizations.......hummmm.......
Wednesday 8:30am - Computer Aided Design & Drafting II - A continuation of Computer-Aided Design & Drafting I. Students refine existing skills and develop more advanced applications in the use of computer-aided design and drafting......YES!
Wednesday 12:00pm - Commercial Design Concepts - A study of commercial space planning, methods of planning, design analysis, and problem solving, and an introduction to regulatory issues, construction methods and techniques, materials, and furnishings. Students develop design and production skills, utilizing both manual, drafting and AutoCAD...........I feel the all-nighters quickly coming upon me..............shit.
Well........shit. If last quarter is any indication of what this quarter will be like, I've got some work cut out for me.
Wish me luck on round two!