Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm Officially a Student Again!

Yea for me!! I'm officially a student again. Today was orientation and I received my class schedule and meet the other Interior Design students that were starting in the Spring quarter with me. There are only about 20 of us, and of those 20 I didn't feel a smidgen intimidated by any of them. You know how it can be. You know, you look at them, you judge them by what they look like, what they wear, how they talk, etc, etc. Don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about, you do. I know you do. Anyways, after giving my classmates the once over, I quickly decided they had nothing on me. I will be the best in my class, end of discussion. Of those 20, 17 were female, 3 were male. (That's fine, less distraction). Of those 20, I was the only blonde!! Strange the things I notice, but it's true! How bizarre!! This is LA, where are my other blondes!! Humm.....lucky me I guess.

Anyways, it was a long day of paper work and lectures and la de da. I'm exhausted and I haven't even had to do any work yet. My body needs to get back in school mode real fast. Here is my list of classes for my first quarter, starting Wednesday. 6 classes, 18 units.


12pm-3pm *Design Process: An introductory course in the basic principles of design. Study focuses on the progression from inspiration to execution in the design process. Techniques used to resolve aesthetic relationships with two- and three-dimensional objects are analyzed, demonstrated, and applies.

3pm-6pm *Drafting Techniques I: An introduction to basic architectural drawing used in the development of floor plans, elevations, sections and details. Students gain competency in the use of drafting tools, equipment and related materials.

No class on Thursday.


I'm wanting to get into an AutoCAD class on this day, but so far the class is full. I'm going to try and get in. Cross your fingers!! If /When I get in:

8:30am-11:30am *Computer Aided Design & Drafting I: Focuses on understanding the concepts of computer-aided design and drafting and the various applications of AutoCAD. Students learn the necessary terminology and basic skills required.

Saturday and Sunday: I'll be working my butt off at Starbucks trying to come up with rent $$.


8:30am-11:30am *Principles of Color: A course in color theory as it relates to interior design. Students master the fundamental principles and vocabulary of color, explore the psychological effects of color on the viewer, and study the discovery, history and influence of color in interior design.

12:00pm-3:00pm *Sketching Techniques: An introduction to the basic techniques of representative drawings using pencil and value markers. Students sketch and critique still-life settings in class and exterior spaces on field trips. Emphasis is placed on students' ability to produce representational drawings within a short time frame.


3:00pm-6:00pm *Survey of Architecture & Interior Design I: A survey of the historical styles of architecture, furniture and interiors from Egypt through the early 19th century. The course is designed to educate the student in the concepts and terminology related to historical styles.
Now the great thing about both my Monday classes are that I don't have to take them! Let me explain. I took several art classes my freshman year at KU, and FIDM will accept them as transfer if I wish them too be. Which is great! It'd save me a couple thousand dollars, but.......I'm not sure how well I remember everything about color, and I know my drawing skills haven't improved!! I'm going to give them a shot, and if they are too familiar, I'll drop them.
Well, that's my first quarter of classes. The quarter runs from April 8th-June 19th. It's going to be an intense 11 weeks, but I'm looking forward to challenge. Then I'll have a break until July 8th when the second quarter starts up again.
Who knew I would be following in my Father's footsteps one day!
Wish me success!! Thank you to everyone who has been encouragement to me!
Much Love!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

:) Yay! I have to admit I didn't read ALL of the class descriptions...but, I did notice that most days you start at noon or 3:00 - that must be nice! Best of luck to you...can't wait to hear (and see) all about it!