I failed to mention the wonderful seafood joint Kristin and I stopped at to feed our hungry bellies after our long hike.
Malibu Seafood Market. A cute, quaint joint right of the Pacific Coast Highway where you can watch the waves roll in while eating your lunch. Kristin order something similar to fish and chips, and I ordered a tuna burger. Delicious, just what we needed after our hike. Gracie happily hung out in the car resting her paws and received my left over french fries.
As dead beat as we were after our hike, we didn't feel it was quite appropriate to crawl into bed and end the evening at 6:30pm. After finding some hidden energy, which came in the form of caffeinated drinks, we decided to venture out to the "famous" *Sprinkles* Cupcakes, in Beverly Hills. I had never heard of the place before, Kristin knew of it from The Food Channel. Apparently, so did everyone else. As we drove up, we saw a line formed down the block. This was less then thrilling for me, and I let it be known. Kristin quickly informed me that I had a poor attitude and that I needed to adjust it. Fine Fine Fine. After 45 minutes of standing in line we finally get to the door. For all the effort we put in, I decide to photograph Kristin in line. I walk away and start taking photos of the store front and when I turn back to Kristin, she is now talking to a well dressed handsome man. Whoooo!! I was only gone a minute max and Kristin, as usual is getting picked-up. That doesn't exactly happen to be the case however. I find out that this man is bribing us with free cupcakes as long as he can cut the line in front of us!! My ears quickly became attuned to *FREE* and we quickly scooted him into the line without anyone taking notice. I would have bought ONE cupcake, however, Kristin quickly decided on the spot, that since the man was paying, we each deserved a six pack. And so we did. I got 2 coconut, 1 dark chocolate, 1 strawberry, 1 Irish cream and 1 peanut butter chocolate. The only one I remember Kristin getting was the banana cupcake. I only remember that because of how delicious it was.
Sprinkles was defiantly fun to experience once in your life. And they were good. But I'm not sure you would catch me standing in that line again.
Kristin's last day here we decided we couldn't not go to Venice Beach and the Santa Monica Pier, so that's exactly what we did.
Kristin at the famous entrance to the Santa Monica Pier.
On the Pier in front of Bubba Gump Fish Company.
They threw it back in.

This photo was taken just seconds before the wave hit and soaked the lower half of my body. Thanks to me, Kristin was saved.

I don't remember Kristin taking this photo of me, but I love it! Good job Kristin!
From Santa Monica we made our way to Venice Beach.
We walked the Venice board walk were the street vendors preform and artist sell their goods.
This ocean front property was sporting the Crimson and the Blue and I had to take a photo.

A trip to California isn't complete without a toe-dip.
I don't remember Kristin taking this photo of me, but I love it! Good job Kristin!

This particular guy claimed he would walk on the pile of broken glass.
However, after watching for a good 10 minutes and seeing no action, we got impatient and left.

One of the many murals throughout the Venice boardwalk. I've loved this one for 8 months now. I had to take my picture next to it. Kristin decided to be a copycat.

From the board walk I showed Kristin around the Venice Canals. An adorable, yet pricey!, neighborhood in Venice that I personally love spending time walking through and admiring.
From the canals we made our way to the Venice Pier. Much less exciting then the Santa Monica Pier. Just a pier with a few lights on it. But on the plus side, much more low key and peaceful.

Lastly, as Kristin's departing flight drew near, her trip to California would not have been complete without a trip to In & Out. A burger joint wildly popular for their burgers, fries and milk shakes. And those three items happen to be the only items on their menu board. Makes for an easy decision on what to order.
I was sad to see Kristin go. We hadn't seen each other in over a 1 1/2 years. It'd been way too long. She's one of my best friends and the only friend from college that I keep in touch with regularly. Thanks for coming to visit me Kristin!! Having you here was as much as a vacation for me as it was for you!!! Come back soon!! Love Ya!!

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