OH MY GOSH!! I knew design school would be a bit of a challenge, but I had no idea I'd have just as many sleepless nights as I would nights of sleep. I'm exhausted!! I had my last final this week and I'm so thankful I made it through. Between putting in my fair share of hours at Starbucks, 3 hour long classes, travel time to class and back, AND homework, my weeks were a chaotic whirl-wind of madness. I can think of no other time in my 26 years of life that were more challenging then the past 11 weeks were for me. However, I've made it through and with straight A's to boot!!!
Let me tell you how my classes were:
My Design Process class, thankfully, was a bit too easy. I enjoyed the class, but didn't find it challenging enough. I felt the assignments were not graded on a hard enough scale and that our time in class was not spent efficiently. However, with my three other classes, I learned to appreciate it, VERY MUCH.
My Computer Automated Drafting Class, or AutoCAD as they call it in the design world, was fascinating! I began to learn a new computer program that will add immense value to my resume. The best part of it was, I enjoyed it! It was fun! The downfall of the class was that I now feel the need to invest in a gigantic computer monitor and "geek" myself out like a true design nerd.
My Survey of Architecture and Interior Design, or more simply, Art History class was just as you might expect. Three hour long lecture with a power point slide presentation to go along with it. Granted, my previous experiences with Art History classes were quite dreadful. Now, whether it be that I was excited for my first quarter back in school, or that I finally feel I have direction in my life, or possibly a combination of both, but I truly enjoyed this class! I'm now quite familiar with all Greek, Roman and Egyptian architecture and furniture and I think it's so cool! I was able to study Louis the XIV, Louis the XV, and Louis the XVI styles of furniture and be able to distinguish what characteristics make them different. The Louis the XVI style chair is my favorite, by the way!! Along with so many other periods of architecture and furniture. It's fascinating. Now, I didn't care much for all the flash cards I had to make and all the memorization it took to pass the tests, but I surprised myself and did quite well.
Now, my Drafting class.....that was quite the class. Again, like every other class, I loved it. I learned a technical skill that is quickly becoming a lost art. I really excelled at this class also. I grew up seeing my father draft and the rolls and rolls of architectural plans he has laying around his office. I never thought one day I'd be doing the same thing. But here I am, drafting away like the mad-hatter! It was miserable. Seriously miserable. Let me show you why:
Week 1:
Okay, you look at this and say "oh, that's not hard." Okay, sure. I agree with that now. However, when he gave us this assignment and tell us to draw these designs to a 1/2"=1'-0" scale and I have no idea what he means and then he tells us that the radius of the circles are so and so and so on and so on, it was a bit intimidating.
Week 2:

Now he had us going from some silly designs to drafting a fireplace at 1/4"=1'-0". I just learned how to use the 1/2" scale and trying to figure out the 1/4" scale really threw me off! I spent several hours on the phone with my father and shed several tears of frustration over this project. Little did I know, this was just child's play compared to what I was working myself up to.
Week 3:

Tad bit more complex, but again, for only my third week of drafting, this was intense. Up to this point, every assignment was taking me many days and many many hours of work.
Week 4:

What the F#*k! This week was sheer panic in my classmates and myself. WHAT!! We go from drafting this simple rotunda to drafting a bathroom with all four elevations! We panicked!! "This is going to take forever!!" "How are we supposed to get this done in one week!?!" "Look at all that writing!!" ha ha ha!!! Little did we know.....
Week 5:

Our assignments got progressively larger and more difficult at rapid speed. By the time this assignment rolled around my entire life was now being consumed by drafting. I was drafting in the morning, in the evening, and at the most un-godly hours of the day. It was becoming tradition that Tuesday night was my all-nighter night. My friend and class mate, Brooke, would also be pulling an all-nighter and we would text back and forth all night encouraging each other to finish and trying to entertain each other to the best of our abilities. If you reading this and thinking, that doesn't look so tough. You're right, it's not that tough, but it's time consuming. VERY time consuming.

Ice Cream Break!! All work and no play makes for a very sad Kara. Me (above) and my new friend and schoolmate, Jennifer (below).

Week 6:
By this week we are seriously hoping that things start to plateau. At this point, out of only 7 students in the class, one has dropped out, 4 are not completing their work on time, and only Jennifer and I are the only ones who manage to get our assignments fully completed.

Week 7:
Same assignment as above, yes...but no. The "client" wanted her kitchen expanded, so I had to re-do the whole thing, plus add in a lot more detail.

Week 8:
Again, very similar to above drawing, only with all the furniture added in on the drawing to the left.

Detail from above drawing.

Week 9 &10:
This was our final project, and most intense. However, I thought it was the most fun to do. It took my life away from me, with out a doubt, but in a weird way, I liked it. My skills improved greatly from week one till now. My lettering got straighter and more accurate and my confidence in my ability to be draft went from 0 to 10.

Well, I appreciate you making it this far in my blog. As much as I'd like to stick around and tell you more about school, I'm tired of thinking about it. This is my new career path, so please don't hesitate to ask if you ever need any design help!
Peace & Love,
LA Girl