We are now only one day away from my Hollywood Debut! As I mentioned before in a previous blog, Eric and I entered a photography contest. He acted as the photographer, I, his model. And so I don't take credit where credit is not due, this is all Eric's idea. He read about the contest and put the time and money into it. But as a team, we rocked. We spent a day hitting up the thrift stores, looking for clothes we could ruin. And then we spent about 4 hours one evening, out on the beach, shooting our photos. It was a blast. I think Eric had the most fun splattering me with fake blood, which was hilarious in the way he went about it. Anyways, tomorrow is the opening night where all the photos will be displayed in a gallery-like fashion at the
Smashbox Studios. The same location where they just held LA Fashion. It's going to be a PARTY!!! A night of dressing up, schmoozing, music, booze and good 'ole fun!! I can't wait!!! Our theme was Fashion to Die For. So without further ado, I give you the winning (*positive thoughts, positive thoughts*) photo. Drum roll please.....
dum dum dum dum dum dum..........

How cool is that!?!?! I love the photo. I personally think I played a very realistic victim. :) Out of the 400+ photos that were taken during this photo shoot, Eric was able to dwindle it down to just two, of which he felt were the best of the best. The one pictured above and the one that follows. The one that follows was going to be the one that we submitted for the contest and at the last minute, very last minute, Eric changed his mind and turned in the previous one.

Do I look good, or what!?!?! Ha Ha Ha. For inquiries about my availability for upcoming photo shoots, please contact my assistant, Gracie. She would be more then happy to assist you in any way she can.